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Zakir Naik

Zakir Naik is considered one of the most important and effective individuals in the world. He is an Indian Islamic preacher and public orator. Not only this but also he is president of Islamic research institutions. He has a vital and distinguished role in comparative religions. His lectures reach the whole world due to his knowledge about all religions. And we will know more about Dr Zakir naik through this article in (Ustadhy).

Birth of Zakir Naik:

Zakir Naik was born in India(Mumbai) on 18 October 1965.

His father is called Abdulkarim Naik and his mother, Roshan Naik.

He studied at the faculty of medicine at Mumbai university and obtained a Bachelor of medicine and surgery.

The career of Zakir naik:

He started his work in the call field in 1991, he established Islamic international schools in Mumbai that gives scholarship to poor Muslim youth.

 Not only this but also founded a series of schools in Arabic and Islamic countries which train and help non _arabic Muslims to understand their religion and make them study The Quran well. He was greatly affected and inspired by Ahmed Deedat who is also a great Islamic preacher and he gave him the name Deedat plus.

The Lectures of Zakir Naik:

 The lectures of This great Islamic preacher reached everywhere Islamic and non_islamic countries, Arabic and non_Arabic countries and had a magic result in these countries.

 He gave it in English, not Urdu or Arabic. His style is different from the other Islamic preachers; he wears a suit and tie.

He delivered over 4000 lectures and according to Anthropologist Thomas Blom Hansen, which said that the style of Dr Zakir in memorising the Quran and hadith and his extreme activity made him more popular in the Islamic community.

 Many of his lectures are recorded on DVD, Video, media and online. The important topics he speaks on include” Islam and modern science”,” Islam and secularism” and “Islam and Christianity”.

His first discussion was in 1994 with the writer (Taslima) about Islam in her book.

Zakir Naik also discussed with William Campbell in Chicago about the Quran and also the Bible within the light of science.

Important views:

Dr Zakir always says that he concentrates on the educated Muslim youth that feels that the religion is out of date and he sees that is a duty of every Muslim to get rid of bad conceptions about Islam, especially after the eleven September attack.

  1. supremacy of Islam:

Zakir Naik sees that the Islamic religion is the best because the Quran says it and no different spiritual texts will deny it.

 Islam promotes human worth and he added that Islam is intolerant towards corruption, injustice, alcoholism and every form of evil.

  1. Music:

In his opinion music is like alcohol as they both are toxic and he refused singing and dancing because they are forbidden in Islamic instructions.

  1. Homosexuality:

Dr Zakir’s opinion on this point is that homosexual people are patients affected by sinful mental issues and this happens as a result of watching pornographic movies. also, he sees that they deserve the death penalty.

  1. The rights of women:

Zakir Naik believes that women and men are equal in Islam. Dr Zakir also argued that the ladies should not hit husbands, because of retaliation and he also said that the hitting is just a symbol and it must not be abusive.

  1. Punishment of stealing:

Naik said that sinful persons should be penalized by chopping off hands and he additionally suggested the United States implement this logic to scale back the speed of crime.

  1. Biological evolution:

Dr Zakir sees biological evolution as just a hypothesis and there is no proof of it.

And according to his speech, the scientists support this theory because it is against the Bible and not as true.

He also argues that the scientific theories are presented and prophesied by the Qur’an such as embryological development.

  1. Criticism of media:

According to the opinions of Dr Zakir, the media is considered an important tool rather than the most dangerous weapon in the whole world because it can convert black to white, and a villain into a hero.

He also said that all damage occurs to the image of Islam because of media.

Media play a double standard strategy and describe Muslims as extremes to defame the Islamic religion.

He promotes that we should always use identical media to be able to get rid of any misconceptions or misrepresentations concerning the Islamic religion.

 Not only this but also he criticises the appearance of Muslims in movies especially Hollywood movies that malign Islam and Muslims and make other people get scared of Muslims and think they will kill them.

And currently, we all know most information associated with Dr Zakir Naik…we will mention his awards and honours.

Awards and honours:

Due to his great activities and efforts to improve the image of Islam and help people to know the true Islam. This great preacher obtained a lot of awards, for example, he got an honorary doctorate from the University of Gambia. Also, he received the Sharjah award as a result of his volunteer work. In addition to the prize of the king Faisal international.

Summary :

In the end, we like to say some great people are interested to improve the image of Islam like dr Zakir Naik we should appreciate their efforts and try to recognise true Islam.

 And we will present to you in (Ustadhi) more information about more great people.

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