Arabic & Quran Online classes

Khalid The Sword of Allah

No one can relate the events that led to the victory and expansion of Islam without mentioning the name of the famous Muslim leader, Khalid – Waleed, whose father was Al – Waleed Ibnul – Mughira, who was one of the richest men of Quraysh.  Being the son of a wealthy man, Khalid did not have to learn a trade like other young men who needed to earn their living and spent his days riding racing and practising the arts of fighting and wrestling and that might be one of the reasons he became a  powerful and brilliant warrior.  Khalid came to be known as a prominent fighter at the Battle of Uhud.  At that time, he had not yet adopted Islam and he was fighting against Allah’s Seal Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers.  It is well known that it was through the fatal mistake of the Muslim archers at the Battle of Uhud, who forgot Prophet Muhammad’s instructions when victory was at hand and left their positions and hurried to collect the spoils that Khalid who was stationed behind the Muslim army seized the opportunity and attacked the Muslims and had it not been for Allah’s Support, he would have defeated them completely.

Khalid fought against the Muslims in several other battles with courage and action which drew the Prophet’s attention to him.  Allah’s Seal Prophet and Apostle Muhammad (peace be upon him) talked to Khalid’s brother, Al – Waleed, who had already embraced why Islam, and wondered faith had not conquered the heart of that brave man.  Al – Waleed told his brother what Allah’s Prophet had said.  A few nights later, Khalid had a wonderful vision in which he saw himself wandering in a desolate land where there was neither plantation nor water, but suddenly he saw himself leaving that barren desert and entering a vast area of green land full of vegetation and fruit.  The vision had but one interpretation;  the green land represented faith that would soon fill his heart and replace the darkness of disbelief.  Without hesitation, he travelled to Medina where he met Allah’s Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and declared his belief in Islam.

It was from that day that Khalid was one of the greatest soldiers in the Muslim forces.  He took part in several battles in which he showed outstanding courage and skill.  It was that military skill that made Allah’s Seal Prophet and Apostle Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) call him ” The Sword of Allah ” and appoint him the leader of one of the four armies that conquered Mecca.  Besides, it was after Prophet Muhammad’s death that Khalid played a leading part in the battles against the renegades and against those who claimed to be prophets such as Musaylima, the liar.  The first Caliph – Abu – Bakr Al – Seddiq sent Khalid to assist the army that was heading for Iraq.  The Persian army was resisting the Muslims vigorously.  It was immediately after Khalid’s arrival that several battles took place in which the Muslims were triumphant.  The spread of Islam in Iraq owes a great deal to the bravery and skill of Khalid Ibnul – Waleed.



Khalid Ibnul – Waleed went on fighting for the glory of Islam.  Among the famous battles in which he played a leading role was the Battle of Yarmouk.  It was in that battle that Khalid Ibnul Waleed proved that the most powerful weapon was not the huge number of soldiers, swords or spears, but the deep faith of the fighters.  It was with that deep faith that the Muslim troops were able to achieve victory over the Roman army which was at least six times their number.  It was during the Battle of Yarmouk that Abu – Bakr Al – Seddiq died and Omar Ibnul – Khattab succeeded.  The new Caliph sent a message to Abu – Ubayda Ibnul – Jarrah ordering him to replace Khalid Ibnul – Waleed in the leadership of the Muslim army, but Abu – Ubayda kept the news from Khalid until the battle was over.  When Khalid learned about the Caliph’s order, he submitted to it and willingly continued to serve as a soldier under Abu – Ubayda’s command.  That was an example of obedience, self – denial and loyalty to be followed by the later generations.

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