Arabic & Quran Online classes

Tips for Qur’an Readers

Dear readers, today we are telling you some new ideas that are tried by other Muslims and succeeded with them. The ideas will be focusing on how to spend more time with Qur’an and how to make this time more valuable. 

We hope you find our essay beneficial to you, Insha’Allah, and let’s go straight to the tips: 

1- Keep Qur’an as your companion every time and everywhere If you know that reading and understanding the Holy Qur’an is a priority before anything else, then you will try as much as you can to keep time in your day for it. So, keep it your companion and your companion in every time and place. And here comes the question: how would that be? Well, concerning that, you can buy a small pocket Qur’an. So, it would be with you all the time. You can put it in your bag or pocket. If this option is not suitable for you, you have another option which is downloading the Qur’an application on your cellphone. And get yourself used to reading it while you are on the bus or waiting for anything. And if you chose reading from a mobile phone, then don’t forget to turn off Wi- the Fior network if possible, so that you will focus on the verses without any interruption or distractions.

When you sit with someone you love, do you want any distractions or interruptions? Of course not. Same for Qur’an. Feel the moment when you stay reading it. Feel the moment that you are reading Allah’s speech to you Feel that you are sitting with a special companion and be happy with his companionship and focus on the moment with him.

 2- Specify the time to Tafsir daily It is necessary to devote a fixed time every day to read the interpretation, Tafsir, of the Holy Qur’an. Tafsir helps you understand what you are reading and we recommend you a book (“An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur’an “), one of the most wonderful books on Tafsir for beginners. However, you should search for yourself and choose the best book you like. And here also, comes a question: what if someone doesn’t like reading books? Well, concerning that, you can watch Tafsir videos on YouTube for sheikhs or you can download audio tracks of any Tafsir book you like. The advantage of audiobooks is that you can listen to them anytime and get the benefit you need. 

3- Take notes while reading the Qur’an Dear brothers and sişters, try this method; while you are reading the Holy EPA piece of paper and a pen beside you, and every thought, inquiry Qur’an, or something you understood from the verses writes them down. Then, start searching for them to know more about them or record them for yourself if you already understand them.

Also, try to record every command and every prohibition you need to work on to be a better Muslim and see if you are abiding by them or not!!?? Some Muslims stick notes of certain verses on walls or the desk in their room to remind themselves of them. Others do that on any notary application on their cellphone or even in their cellphone background photo. 

4- Apply what you read in your daily Life Try to apply verses you’ve read in your daily life situations. Let the Holy Qur’an be reflected in your life. And work on that by searching! Asking! Seeking Fatwa even if the situation isn’t a big deal. Just know what you should do in the situation depending on Islam Sharia/obligations and advice. Then and by time, situation after situation, you will find that you have answers for the most daily life problems or situations. You find yourself already knowing what to do and that reduces life irritation and increases inner peace. 

5- Read Qur’an in Sunna Prayers Some Muslims complain that they don’t have time in their busy day especially mothers who work and take care of small children or babies. Sometimes we receive complaints that they can’t specify a time to sit and read Qur’an. One of our advice for them is to read Qur’an in Sunna prayers. As it’s allowed to read Qur’an from Mushaf in Sunna prayers. And in this solution, the reward might be two rewards as their intentions are working on reading Qur’an and also they are praying Sunnah prayers, (Notice: In obligatory prayers, you are not allowed to read from Mushaf, you must say the verses you already know which you memorized before).

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