Arabic & Quran Online classes

Islam And the Holy Quran

It is the duty of every Muslim: man, woman, grown-up and young to read the one hundred and fourteen Sura-Holy Quran, each according to the capabilities one has.  Similarly, It is the right of every Muslim;  man, woman, grown-up and young to read the Holy Quran, each according to the needs one has;  taking into consideration that needs are too endless to count;  all strive to attain peace of mind and heart and psychological balance to bein harmony with other individuals and groups, through reading the Holy Quran and the application of all the Quranic accurate and truthful Verses that call for monotheism, complete faith and the genuine and comprehensive righteousness, saving righteousness, pious and faithful Muslims from justice, disbelief,  aberrance and suspicion.

It is in reading the Holy Quran that both the duty and the right meet;  Since reading the Holy Quran is the sublime field where all souls are nourished, revived and revitalized and all bodies are purified from faults, sins and the material stains that impede the progressive procession of life along the path of right, light, virtues, values,  peace, peacefulness, meekness, tolerance and righteousness.  Thereupon, Muslims should be careful enough to keep on reading the Holy Quran to have themselves restored to themselves and to have their souls revitalized and their bodies purified, looking forward to having Paradise and the pleasure of Allah ( Glory be to Him )


Not only should the Holy Quran be approached as the seal heavenly scripture revealed to the seal prophet and Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him), but also as the sublime container of all values, principles and teachings of Islam, prerequisites, cornerstones, foundations and  Concepts of faith and features, traces and dimensions of righteousness that collectively and luminously point out the qualities, properties, merits and traits of the ideal righteousness, pious and faithful Muslim who should have good intentions, words and wrongs that must go harmoniously with all verses of the Holy Quran.

It is such a sublime, highly elevated and luminously illuminated collection of values, principles, teachings and concepts that formulate the very essence of the genuine entity of the righteous, pious and faithful Muslim.  Moreover, it is the same unique collection that crowns the righteous, pious and faithful Muslims with luminous haloes and powers their hearts spiritually and luminously, providing them with the truest and purest pollution-free fuel, that ensures the believers ‘ onwardProcession with efficient motion, light, enlightenment and guidance, without the least traces of aberrance, failure, disappointment, frustration, depression, stagnation or hindrance.

Hence, the righteous, pious and faithful Muslims are recommended not to miss the life – given a spiritual meal that is namely the recitation of the Holy Quran through the heart not merely through the tongue.  Such recitation should include accuracy, correctness and skilfulness added to the true, genuine and truthful application of all the Quranic Verses that call for monotheism, worshipping none but Allah ( Glory be to Him ), seeking none’s help support or guidance but Allah’s aiming at none’s pleasure or reward but Allah’s through His Will.

Thereupon, every Muslim must recite the Holy Quran thoughtfully and meditatingly not through a general bird’s eye view: since both the form and the content need contemplation to have as aimful access to the Holy Quran, the real meanings and the genuine aims of the Quranic Verses.  Hence, it is through the thorough and intensive meditation of all the Quranic Verses that the meanings of the Holy Quran are approached and consequently the genuine aims are unveiled, drawing a lustrous outline of all sublime virtues, values, principles, teachings and concepts that collectively  Ensure Muslims’ happiness, harmony and peaceful coexistence with others.

Moreover, it is through the thorough and thoughtful understanding of the Holy Quran that a Muslim’s heart, soul and body are luminously and spiritually nourished.  Besides, it is through such a deep understanding of the Holy Quran that a Muslim regains his peace of mind and heart and leads a happy, balanced and conflict-free life;  since the Holy Quran calls for faith, right, justice, equality love, peacefulness, tolerance, togetherness, solidarity, collectiveness and altruism and fights peace disbelief, aberrance, injustice, hatred, spleen, grudge, fanaticism, self – love, lavishness to  gain paradise and the pleasure of Allah ( Glory be to Him ).

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