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One night is better than a thousand months. Laylat-Ul-Kadr is also known as The Night of Power or The Night of Destiny. All Muslims wait this night during the month of Ramadan. The first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad is revealed to Him on this night, so it is a very important night to Muslims. In this article, we will know more information about Laylat-Ul-Kadr, its date, what Muslims do to celebrate with this night and why this night is unique.

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Date of Laylat-Ul-Qadr

Among the ten final days at the end of Ramadan, Laylat-Ul-Qadr is not exactly clear. But it is believed that it is one of the final ten days of the month of Ramadan. It is narrated that the Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to “look for it in the odd nights of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan.” (Bukhari). Many believe that it is on the 27th night of Ramadan.

Is the Laylat-Ul-Qadr a public Holiday for Muslims?

Laylat-Ul-Qadr is not a public Holiday for countries of Muslims as it is not identified. So Muslims perform a lot of kinds of worship like donating to charity, praying at night and praying all the last ten days of Ramadan (the month of fasting), and also cooking food and giving it to those who are not wealthy or are in need.

What is Laylat-Ul-Kadr?

There are many meanings of Laylat-Ul-Kadr in the Arabic Language. Laylat means night, and Ul-kadr has many handfuls related meanings in the Arabic Language like destiny, decree, greatness, and also proportion. There are two reasons related to its name:

It is the greatest night as it is better than a thousand months.

The destiny of every creature is decided next year at Laylat-Ul-Qadr like who will live and who will die, who will succeed and who will fail.  All the decrees of the coming year are sent down during this great night everything related to persons.

What do Muslims do at Laylat-Ul-Qadri?

During the last ten days of Ramadan, many of the Muslims spend these days in their local mosques to perform more worship. They pray, read the Quran (the Holy Book of Islam), Pray for forgiveness and guidance; they also ask Allah to purify them from their past sins. Allah rewards the worshipers these days with great rewards and presents. They also give Zakat to those who are in need.

Signs of Laylat-Ul-Kadr

It is a quiet and peaceful day as you do not hear any barking of dogs or the sound of a cockerel.

There is a pleasant wind that night.

Rainfall on that day.

On the following day, its sun does not have strong rays or any rays.

You can understand more about Islam, Muslims and the Quran by us as we provide professional teachers in Islamic Studies, Teaching the Quran which you can take Ijazah on it and become more related to the Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) and read the Quran as He was. With us, you can learn and speak Arabic as a second language. To know more about us, do not delay and contact us.  

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