Arabic & Quran Online classes

The light of Allah

Never is there a light that is brighter than The Light of Allah (Glory be to Him) granted by Allah (The Light of The Heavens And The Earth) to none but those Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims;  who adhere to Pillars of Islam, belief in Allah, His Angels, His Scriptures, His Apostles, The Last Day and Destiny and adherence to Concepts of Piousness and Righteousness. Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims realize Concepts of Islam and Faith in a bid to realize Concepts of Piousness and Righteousness, sacrifice the mortal Worldly Pleasures to gain The Eternal Bliss in The Hereafter, through gaining the Pleasure of Allah  Glory be to Him) and Paradise, worshipping Allah through promotion phases of Islam, Faith, Piousness and Righteousness.  It is through such graded promotion phases that Muslims keep themselves busy in worshipping Allah earnestly, realizing that they are in His Presence and under His Grasp, Mercy and Compassion wherever and whenever they are;  thereby they gain The Light of Allah (Glory be to Him) that guides them.  providing them with His Illumination, Protection, Providence, Support and Power and consequently they become illuminated, protected and provided with His Support and Power.


The Light of Allah is generated as a result of the Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims’ purification of their hearts and bodies;  through their genuine adherence to The Five Pillars of Isalm, the Cornerstones of Faith and Criteria of Piety and the truthful application of the Islamic Teachings included in The Holy Quran and the authentic and verified Sunna of Allah’s Apostle Muhammad, the truthful, honest and infallible Seal prophet and Apostle of Allah ( peace be upon him ) to whom The Holy Quran was revealed as luminous guidance for the Jinns and Mankind. Allah’s, the Righteous, pious and faithful Muslims’ purification of their hearts and bodies cannot be accomplished except through seeking Forgiveness and genuine Sincere Repentance (“Tawbatun Nasouh”).  The greater the Muslims ‘ the closer to Allah and the brighter Allah’s Light.  None can deny that it is through The Light of Allah (Glory be to Him) that the Righteous, Pious and Faithuly Muslims are guided along with the torture-free right path, that leads up to a happy life on earth, protection under the earth and  Eternal Bliss in The Hereafter.  Hence, Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims strive to have such Heavenly Light radiated, maintained, preserved and supplied to guarantee protection in life, after death and on The Day of Judgment.


Hence, it is through the Piety based Light Of Allah.  granted to the Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims – that they can gain Heavenly Guidance, Protection and Providence.  It is also through piousness that Righteous.  Pious and Faithful Muslims can live happily and harmoniously with life and those who live;  since Righteousness acts as the Master Key of all problems, hardships and obstacles Muslims face in life.  It is through firm Belief that Muslims have their problems solved, hardships eased and obstacles cleared.  Even .  in adversities, they have their nerves cooled down.  bodies rested and souls pacified;  since they have firm Belief in Predestination, receive all that was destined by Allah (Glory be to Him) gratefully and thankfully and thereby gain a Greater Reward that is namely Allah’s Pleasure and Paradise.


Moreover, it is through the Light Of Allah that newer.  wider and brighter spheres of Benevolence are opened for the Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims;  hence they have newer opportunities to do good in the many different fields of life.  They voluntarily compete, race and hasten to help the poor, the needy, patients and Muslims in adversities.  Besides, they perform additional worship, seeking more Heavenly Light.  Guided by such Sublime Light, they keep Allah in remembrance permanently and incessantly, pray for the Prophet Muhammad (peace to upon him), perform Additional Prayer “Salatul Nafi”.  pay more Charity ” Sadaqa ” .  fast Additional Days added to those of Ramadan and perform Lesser Pilgrimage “Umrah” and consequently they become luminous enough to keep themselves completely immunized against disbelief “Kufr” and aberrance “Dhalal”,


Furthermore, it is through the Light Of Allah that the Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims have supersensitive fears that urge them to Allah (Glory be to Him) more and more and be purer, humbler and much closer to Allah (Glory be to Him)  ), in a bid to have such Heavenly Light retained and preserved in their pure and transparent hearts and thereby gain inspiration and genuine visions that soon come true.  Thereupon, Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims gain Heavenly Knowledge “Elm Ladunni” inspired to them by Allah (The Light Of The Heavens And The Earth hence. insight – that is The Light Of Allah – is developed in the transparent hearts of the Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims, whom Allah ( Glory be to Him ) Honors;  Providing them with Such Luminous Light (Light upon Light Allah Guides whom He wills to His Light. ) It is through such Sublime Light that the Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims receive Heavenly Guidance Knowledge. 



It is true that the Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims – through their Islam.  Faith, Piousness and Righteousness, endowed with the Light Of Allah – become possessors of bright, luminous, lustrous and radiant hearts and transparent insight, and act as Models of Sincere Honest, Truthful, Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims followed to be lucky by those  Muslims Willed by Allah ( Glory be to Him ) to be guided to His Light.  Such Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims who are receivers of such Heavenly Light and possessors of such Bright, luminous, lustrous, radiant and transparent insight are Allah’s Favorites ” Awliya ‘ Allah ” who are the closest to Allah, the kindest to His creatures, the humblest in appearance and the worthiest of such Sublime Rank ( Verity, the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most pious of you.  Thus, the genuine Muslim Brotherhood comes into existence end shows itself in its purest and prettiest form.


The Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims – as possessors of bright, luminous, lustrous and radiant hearts and transparent insight- have a greater duty that is the preservation of the purity of their hearts, the sincerity of their consciences and the continuity of illumination in their bodies and souls.  However, such preservation of hearts ‘ purity consciences sincerity and illumination’s continuity cannot be accomplished except through the truthful adherence to the Five Pillars of Islam, genuine, deep and firm Belief in Allah ( Glory be to Him ), His Angels, His Scriptures, His  Apostles (making no distinction between one and another of His Apostles), Predestination and The Last Day, added to the truthful application of all Concepts of Piety.  “Thereupon, It will be on The Day of Judgment that the Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslims will be honoured and rewarded by Allah (Most Gracious, Most Merciful) Since they will be granted The Pleasure of Allah (Glory be to  Him ) and Paradise.

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